St. Michaels Brewfest is celebrating 10 years!Brewfest continues to bring specially crafted regional and National beers to this Pre Summertime Beer Festival! Offering the full spectrum of beers from Summer Hefeweizens and Pilsners to IPA's and Complex Porters.The historic harbor of St. Michaels, Maryland, attendees can casually stroll between three different pouring venues each offering live musical entertainment between. Find "One of a Kind" vendors offering Art, Glassware & more! Take a break and enjoy lunch at one of our many restaurants in town, or our partners at The Crab Claw Restaurant & Foxy's Harbor Grille!ST. MICHAELS BREWFESTDate and Time
Saturday Jun 8, 2024
12:00 PM - 4:00 PM EDTWebsite
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